When you have spent a good amount on something (anything), it is normal to fully stretch out the use of it so that you know every dollar spent was worthwhile.
From system functionalities, drying placements of your clothes to referral perks, there are multiple ways to maximise a Steigen automated laundry drying system to your advantage and ease.
Below, find 6 amazing ways that can transform your laundry space into a laundry oasis.
1. Solar Drying
All models from the Solar Series feature a Solar Drying feature which helps speed up the drying performance of your laundry. The placement of your laundry and the type of material greatly affects the drying performance too.
2. Ioniser
Both Solar Alpha and Solar Ultra come with an in-built Ioniser feature which automatically switches on upon the use of the Solar Drying feature.
From house dust, pollen to odours, the Ioniser can eliminate various bacteria by producing negative ions that attach themselves to positively charged particles in the air. Once attached, the harmful particles become too heavy and fall to the surface–which can be easily removed by wiping them off the system.
3. Cool Breeze
Many confuse themselves with this feature for an indoor ventilator. It was designed to cater to dry delicate materials such as activewear, leather jackets, silk nightgowns and more.
Rather than air-drying your garments or using a fan or hair dryer to speed things up, switch on the Cool Breeze function to dry your laundry safely while retaining its shape afterwards.
4. Dust Mite Repeller
The Dust Mite Repellers on Solar Alpha and Solar Ultra emit a complicated range of ultrasonic waves, covering up to 8.5m³. This effectively interferes with the breeding cycles of dust mites which reduces the number of allergens produced.
Dust mites prefer and thrive in warm, damp conditions. Switch on the Dust Mite Repeller while your laundry is still wet to get rid of them.
5. Mobile App
Did you know that all the models from the Solar Series provide you access to our mobile app where you can operate your system from anywhere?
Upon installation of your Steigen automated laundry drying system, pair it with the Steigen Home app, and you are good to go. And, it’s available on both Apple and Android devices.
6. Referral Perks
If you have yet to use this perk, you are missing out!

For your very first successful referral*, you will receive a $20 NTUC voucher while your friend enjoys a $100 discount off any Steigen automated laundry drying system of their choice. The more you refer, the more vouchers you will receive, and the amount gets larger too.
*Successful referral is only applicable when the referee has successfully installed the system and payment is received. Vouchers will be sent out via post mail to the referer.