The Newbie’s Guide to Washing and Drying Laundry Like a Pro with an Automated Laundry System
So you have just stepped into the world of homeownership, and the reality of doing your own laundry has hit you like a pile of mismatched socks. Fear not, young domestic warrior! You are about to g...

New vs Old: All the differences in the Solar Evolution Series
The golden question: What is the difference between the new Solar Evolution series and the earlier series? It's time for the battle of the best and here is an easy side-by-side comparison of our la...

The New Solar Evolution: Steigen Solar Pro & Steigen Solar Sonic
The biggest news of the year is here!: Meet Steigen Solar Pro and Steigen Solar Sonic. The latest models are part of Steigen’s new Solar Evolution series of automated laundry drying systems. This n...

First-Time Home Owners Laundry Struggles And How To Avoid
First-time homeowners often make laundry mistakes, especially when they are new to doing laundry. Here are 4 common first-time homeowner laundry mistakes and how to avoid them.

4 After-sales Support Steigen Offers
We get this all the time – do we offer any after-sales support? Of course! Whether you have installed or are planning to install a Steigen automated laundry drying system, here are 4 things you nee...

Vacation Laundry You Can Dry With A Steigen To Avoid Holiday Blues
Have holiday blues due to overwhelming piles of vacation clothes? We feel you! Check out these various laundry you can dry with a Steigen automated laundry drying system and avoid holiday blues.

Meet These 6 Laundry-Eating Bugs
Everyone knows there are bugs out there that can destroy your clothes. Find out which pesky laundry-eating insect is up to no good and how to prevent them from ruining your clothes in your wardrobe.

4 Reasons Why Your Laundry Stinks Even After Washing
Can you still smell the underlying musty stench on your laundry? If you are still trying to figure out what went wrong, we have rounded up 4 common reasons why your clean laundry still smells bad e...

What Makes A Good Automated Laundry Drying System?
From plus points to bad points, find out what makes a winning combination for an automated laundry drying system. By the end of this read, you should be able to quickly work out what works best for...

11 Inspiring Interior Designs For Your Laundry Space
It seems like everyone is moving somewhere new or revamping their homes lately. Indulge your creative senses with these 11 inspiring interior designs for your laundry space to up your A-game.

4 Surprising Things You Can Dry With Any Steigen
It is no surprise that many of us are sceptical when it comes to experimenting with new smart gadgets. Are you a late adopter who wants to hop on the Steigen bandwagon, yet still have some reserva...

3 Ways To Deal With Neighbours Who Drip-Dry Wet Laundry And More
Having good neighbours is the real cherry on the cake after buying your dream home. Sadly, most of us never get to choose our neighbours. There are easily thousands of online forums on how you c...

What is Ultraviolet (UV) light and how does it damage your clothes?
Given Singapore’s warm and tropical year-round weather, a large majority of us are familiar with drying our washing outdoors. But we often overlook that overexposing our laundry to the Sun can neg...

4 Fabrics That Should Not Go In The Dryer And How To Dry Them
Laundry drying products are always a useful investment because everybody has to dry their clothes, after all. Even though these gadgets aim to provide quick solutions to everyday problems, sometim...

4 Places To Install Your Steigen System Besides The Kitchen/Service Yard
Whether you are living on limited square footage or have plenty to spare, here are 4 unusual yet possible places to install your Steigen automated laundry drying system at home!

5 Types of People Who Need An Automated Laundry System
There seems to be a common disinterest for laundry, and we all know someone who struggles with it. If you fall in either one of these categories, it is about time to switch out and upgrade your l...

4 CNY Clothes And Laundry Traditions For A Huat Year
The number of CNY customs might seem like a never-ending list, but here are the top 4 CNY clothing and laundry traditions that you should not miss out on!

5 Cooking Smells You Never Expected That Stays On Clothes
Whether you are aspiring to be the next Masterchef or planning to take your instant-noodle cooking expertise up a notch, here are 5 cooking smells you never knew would stay on your clothes.

4 Laundry Resolutions For 2021
While most might focus on living a healthy lifestyle and others are striving to spend more time with the family this 2021, we are here to help you plan some serious laundry-related 2021 resolution...

The Science Behind Drying Laundry
Here’s how you can use your primary school science knowledge to better understand the science behind drying laundry!

Why You Should Think Twice About Getting A Dryer
Whether you are looking for an appliance that does the chores for you or a product to impress your other new homeowner buds during house warming, here’s why you should reconsider which laundry syst...

How to Dry Clothes When You’re Pressed For Time And Space
If you’re constantly struggling to find more space to dry your clothes around the house, look no further than Steigen!

3 Common Laundry Troubles And How To Solve Them
Laundry duties always take up a good chunk of your time–when you’re done with the last load, it’s time to start over again. With all the washing coordination and outfit forethought, any laundry pro...

Save Electricity Bills When Drying Laundry With Steigen
Always puzzled as to why your electricity bills are constantly sky-high? It might be the type of laundry dryer you are using!